12 Easy Steps to Apply for PMP Certification Exam

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An essential step in the journey of obtaining PMP certification is related around submitting the application for  PMP examination. You might be confused about your eligibility criteria, what is got to go into the application and so on but this process will be outlined within the scope of the article so that you can be at ease while filling up the application for PMP certification exams.

PMP Certification

You can additionally purchase your long PMI membership. This is optional but this is also highly recommended by professionals across the globe. Reasons why this is highly recommended is  PMI members will have to sell out $405 for the examination while a non member will have to sell out $555 for the examination. Therefore, once you have an active membership you could actually end up saving a lot of money on the examination.

Make sure you keep yourself abreast of the latest information on the official website since it is easier to maintain your updates that way.

  1. The application for PMP certification comprises a number of steps. You need to begin with creating a free account at pmp.org which is the application portal for PMP certification examination.
  2. Make sure you complete the process application with submission of all the project information as well as the PMP preparation workshop certification. You also need to complete the selected audit process if there is any before paying for the examination fixing the schedule and finally reserving a spot.
  3. When you log into www.pmi.org, you need to click on the register link which is present on the right hand corner at the top. Follow all the instructions given on screen for creation of your account and finally create account. They receive a follow-up email station as well as allows you to login to the created account.
  4. Once account is active and you are chosen the membership you can proceed to the final application page. Click on the certification and navigation bar then want to choose project management certification.
  5. The best bit is the wizard will end up getting you through the entire process for submitting required info for application completion. Follow the wizard with every step verify all the information and then go on to save and continue for the next step.
  6. As per the formal education or degree you have you will have to have between 4500 and 7500 hours in terms of leading as well as directing a project for qualifying to sit for PMP certification. For every project you will have to provide all the details information- from end date, start date, location, organization you were part of, the project, the role and your primary stakeholder. This is not the only thing involved. In case you are applying for PMP certification you will have to sort of setup a CV again. Its PMI project you will have to specify the number of hours spent on planning, execution, initiation, control, monitoring and closure. Go ahead and write project description within 300 to 550 characters for every project involved. In case this looks like a hard work make sure that you know it is hard. This is done for an assessment of how well you can handle your PM skills.
  7. There are certain tips that could come in handy while helping you select projects for PMP application. Remember close to 20% PMP aspirants are selected for PMI audit. In context of audit, the need arises for getting stakeholder signature on project information, description as well as individual role. In case of multiple projects that you could pick from it would be better to specify stakeholders in projects you can actually be approached for formal sign of approval in case the need for audit arises. It is better to remember, while filling in project details for PMP certification examination is that you better use terminology that is related. Do not makeup involvement in domains that you are actually not part of. When it comes to registration for the examination you will have to choose a language or translation for the same.
  8. The examination for PMP certification comes with 200 MCQs that you will have to solve over 4 hours without any scheduled break.
  9. You should understand how to submit a project information, how to submit information for PMT exam preparation workshops that you might have attended.
  10. After this, review the entire application then go ahead and pay for the same.
  11. There is no final score of the examination you only get a tag that you have passed or you have failed.
  12. Attempt at least four mock examinations and obtain 160 out of 200, to judge readiness.

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