What is Stock ROM for Android Devices?

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Stock ROM (Read Only Memory) is the System ROM which is genuine and real and it is pre-installed just like newly bought smartphones. In simple Stock ROM is an Original Manufacturers ROM. There are certain advantages and disadvantages of Stock ROM they are as follows.

Advantages of Stock ROM

The Stock ROM is a manufacturer oriented and cleaned system where guarantee is fixed and it keeps you android device genuine. Stock ROMs keeps your android device’s software under warranty. If your device have any issue they manufacturer will easily accept your device to solve the issue until it is not rooted.

Disadvantages of Stock ROM

The main disadvantages of Stock ROM are that you will have a guided ROM where certain features are locked by manufacturer to safeguard your android device. You will have certain hardware limit and user is not permitted to tweak the device without rooting and damaging the warranty benefits.

These are all about Stock ROM for android devices.

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