Electronic Image stabilization, which is an abbreviation of EIS where this feature is molded in to various upcoming cameras. EIS (Electronic Image Stabilization) Mode is used to reduce the blurring appearance of videos and images while shooting through camera. This mode or setting is generally found in every motion or digital camera and it is known as IS (Image Stabilization) but today this all thing is appeared in to the smartphones also which formed a new name called Electronic Image Stabilization where camera’s processor clear the blurry images itself.
This happens with us while shooting photographs and video. Blur images are gets generated because of handshakes and camera shakes. Thus technology introduced technique of Image Stabilizing in mobile phone camera also with adding name Electronic in front of Image Stabilizing.
Right now we have two images of same time with us where one is taken when EIS was off mode and another was taken in on mode.

The clarity is get blurred because of the Electronic Image Stabilization was deactivated this time.

The clarity is get Cleared because of the Electronic Image Stabilization was activated this time.
Now this is clear that it is one of the most important features of camera, many times this happens with that our images are not clear as it should be. There is no big magic behind this the camera itself shooting best images with their own power.
What is secret behind Electronic Image Stabilization
The camera does the simple trick here, it takes image in less to less time during focus time. Where as in normal way camera capture image according to the time of expose. In EIS mode the capturing time is get short and expose time is remains the same.
Finally images get a clear feel after use of Electronic Image Stabilization.