The Artwork of Animation – Classic Techniques in a Modern Medium

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People who have a natural tendency toward color, shape, line and design will often gravitate toward art in its many forms, and for those who are additionally interested in modern technology, there is a good crossroads to pursue – computer animation.

By combining aptitudes for both art and technology, a person can find a very fulfilling hobby or career in this fascinating modern field. So what are a few resources to begin determining if this is a real possibility for you?

Look Into Online Resources     

The first place to always begin looking for information, especially on technological issues, is online resources. These can be in the form of written tutorials, online YouTube videos, or step-by-step illustrations that other enthusiasts have put up for public consumption. Typically, many of these resources are going to be totally free as well, which means you won’t have to stress yourself out financially before deciding if this is an overall path you are comfortable with. There are huge support groups out there for people willing to learn about animation as well. Be sure to check out primary differences in software between 2D and 3D animation when making your first pass through the material.

Look Into College Programs

Once you’ve decided that animation is something you’re particularly interested in, find out what schools are available that have classes. You can search specifically for Associate’s, Bachelor’s, and Master’s degrees through different physical college locations, and you can also see what types of courses are available online. It all depends on your financial need, geographical considerations, and time availability at that point. Many good rating guides are available for you to see success rates and quality of education as well, so be sure to include this in your search, and begin discussions with guidance councilors with that knowledge on hand.

Find Galleries that Present What You Enjoy

What is your favorite type of animation artwork? Is it in movies? On posters?  Check out places that have galleries like Park West Gallery or Barker Animation and find out where the artists presented come from. Which schools did they attend? What is their background?

The more information you have to work with in order to emulate what you already enjoy, the better you will be when targeting the technology you’d like to learn about.

Ultimately, both art and technology are always developing, so you will never get bored along the way of learning to express yourself.

Whether you eventually pick this as a career, or simply as a hobby or meditation, the more well-informed you are about the possibilities, the greater chance you have of fulfilling your potential.

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