Tag: Disorder

  • The Modern World with the Hidden Influences on Mental Health

    The Modern World with the Hidden Influences on Mental Health

    Amid the frenetic pace of the modern world, our mental well-being often takes a backseat. We navigate an ever-connected digital landscape, striving to balance professional demands with personal commitments. While we may recognize the obvious stressors, numerous subtle, often overlooked factors significantly impact our mental health. In 2022, Forbes reported that an alarming 23.1% of…

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  • 5 Signs and Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder: Are You Affected?

    5 Signs and Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder: Are You Affected?

    It can take years to recognize the signs and symptoms of bipolar disorder. Early recognition is important, and is the key to salvaging relationships with loved ones. Instead of taking an educated guess, seek professional help as soon as possible. 1. Irritability. Am I bipolar? This question is asked everyday by people that are accused…

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  • 10 Mood Disorders Our Society Needs to Talk About More

    10 Mood Disorders Our Society Needs to Talk About More

    A mood disorder refers to a condition that impacts mood severely. This kind of disorder is a broad term referring to various kinds of bipolar and depressive disorders, all of which have an impact on mood. If you suspect that you could be suffering from a mood disorder, you may want to check in any…

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