What is Synchronous?

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Synchronous or sync means a thing that is synchronized or thing that are coordinated with the time fame. In simple term it is method of transmitting the data one by one and the all data has to wait for first one to get completed before second starts. This term is basically used in technology for communication and data transfer methods.


Illustration: Web Chat, Emailing, Messaging and Walky-Talky are the best and suitable examples of synchronous communication. In synchronous communication, we can send and receive information right away. This is more likely to emailing and messaging in between two or more people. Therefore we can present a more natural way of communication and can get a timely response from people too.

The biggest drawback of synchronous communication is that it can not perform many processes at single time as asynchronous communication does and it is also not much flexible like asynchronous. As the technology is growing the use synchronous communication is coming to an end and will be rarely used.

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