Rising Popularity of Artificial Grass for No Maintenance

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At times, when the grass on the other side of the fence appears greener than usual, you may not necessarily be wrong. As an increasing number of garden owners out there continue to replace their old patchy lawns with artificial pastures, such sights are getting more common. So what could be considered as one of the major reasons promoting people to take interest in artificial grasses? These grasses require little to no maintenance could easily be considered as a very important reason. No maintenance, no mowing and believe it or not these fake beauties can last for almost up to 5 years without showing the slightest signs of fading. Moreover, the smooth synthetic surface actually provides an extremely soft landing under the climbing frames of children and can, therefore, cope with wastes like dog urine, something which can leave the grass damaged pretty easily.

Artificial Grass

As discussed already, being maintenance free, the market for artificial grasses is getting bigger with each passing day. In keeping with such trends more and more grass suppliers are making their foray into the market. One such supplier, in fact a leading name among others, claims to have sold almost fifteen square kilometers of fake turf each week last year.

When we spoke to a few other suppliers, the story looked more or less the same. Another major supplier said it had in fact sold close to twenty thousand square kilometers of grasses. This is equivalent of six football pitches. The company further went on to add that the figure was accomplished this year itself.

So, you may now ask, are these artificial grasses the answer to all your dreams of owning a green, flowing, luscious garden? In a way they are. However, it should be remembered that the grasses are anything but cheap. Therefore, before you hit the market looking for them, make sure you have enough money in your pockets.

Once you have enough money to buy it, the rest will fall into place automatically. They can provide useful solutions to problems which, even till a few years ago, went unresolved. For instance, if you have a garden, which due to its very position, receives very little sunlight, then the grasses, it goes without saying, will stop growing after a while leaving the whole patch bland and colorless. This is exactly where the fake grasses can prove to be of immense help. No matter which part of the property, your garden is located in, with these beauties in place, the place will continue to look greener and fuller.

Such is the popularity of these grasses that they have started to make appearances at Flower Shows as well. This is probably a pointer to the fact that artificial grasses are the next “in thing”. And if that was not enough, you would be surprised to hear that Manchester United and Chelsea recently became the very first teams to battle it out on a surface that was partially synthetic. Hence, there is no denying the popularity of these maintenance free grasses.

However, it should be remembered here that while a majority of these fake lawns might still be able to make some gardeners go green with envy, experts have a different story to tell. According to them, the grasses are not that green either if you consider them in terms of the environment. There is actually no way of supporting the ecosystem while the plastic turf is still in use, said experts.

Nonetheless, the popularity of artificial grasses has not been hampered by criticisms surfacing against them. At a time when the nation often faces dry start to a particular year, such solutions  have proved to be nothing short of blessings.

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