Online Tools to Check Website Speed Performance

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Owing website is the need of every business and blog owners to grow up their own business, but today people who are using websites needed speedy performance and qualitative thing. Thus, we all website and blog owners must check and qualify our websites for maximum speed and greater performance. After great research we found various online tools for analyzing the speed and performance of website and blogs. We have several online tools which will show us a grade and optimization techniques in same time.

How Fast Is Your Website

See the list where we have reviewed top most best online tools and services to check how fast is your website in real time network.

1. Pingdom : In our list Pingdom is most prominent and powerful tool to analyse the websites loading speed and performance. It also allows webmasters to track their website’s performance whole day on free or paid both bases. The Most features part of Pingdom is that it tells you the number of requests made to open a single website.

2. GTmetrix : Yet another cool website measuring tool is GTmetrix also in our top list where it is ranks better in terms of finding the technologies used within the website. In result GTmetrix also shows the method of increasing the rank also in there percentage. GTmetrix use YSlow technique which tells you how much slow is website.

3. LoadImpact : LoadImpact is also another tool to check on demand website load testing and performance. It works on the cloud platform where an artificial environment of fake visitors is created to check the website’s performance and speed. Here LoadImpact also analyses the bandwidth and numbers of client used while testing.

4. WebPageTest : Another one good tool is WebPageTest, where it runs a free website speed test from around the globe using real browsers at consumer connection speeds with detailed optimization recommendations. Here you will have options to select the defined locations and different browsers. In advance you can also select the internet speed type in your website speed test.

5. iWebTool : At the end we have a great website monitoring tool which does more than website speed and performance test, iWebTool done all the website monitoring tools well under single roof. Limit is that you can perform maximum  of ten tests for one day.

All website performance and speed monitoring tools have its own algorithm to analyse the ranks but all says the same what you have to optimize. These also helps to know what can be enhanced in your website, to make a perfect site.

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