The Online Orator – 6 Steps Toward Becoming a More Persuasive Online Presence

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Becoming more persuasive online is a challenging and interesting pursuit, because often the people you are trying to persuade this way and that are very different from one another. This brings up all sorts of challenges, such as being engaging for someone who likes sports, and someone who doesn’t like sports even a little bit. This challenge can be overcome, however, and with something as simple as going to eCoaches, you can be one step closer to convincing your computer-bound crowd to follow your every move.

Learn to Engage

Being engaging is something that comes naturally to some people, and something that takes a lot of hard work for others. The people who can start up a conversation with anyone at all are usually the people who can be engaging in their writing as well, but this isn’t always the case. Engaging writing needs to be interesting, and to the point, and dynamic, whilst also maintaining some semblance of balance.

Find What’s Interesting

Whatever you’re trying to convince your online audience of, there’s something interesting about it.

No matter how dull the subject is, there’s at least a tiny sliver of interesting fact about any subject, and you need to find that and stretch it out as much as you possibly can. Relate it back to all of your points, and you will have a slightly more interesting piece of writing. Sometimes you get lucky and a subject is wildly interesting, in which case you should only pick the more interesting and factually relevant parts to talk about.

Use a Thesaurus

Reusing the same words over and over can be boring, and boring, and boring, see?

Try diversifying your personal word library, and bust out the thesaurus to prevent your writing from getting tedious, and oafish and crude, see? With a liberal application of interchangeable synonyms, your writing takes on new life and leaps off the page.

Type Familiarly

Nobody wants to read a persuasive piece when it’s written like a letter to their boss.

You’re not writing to request paid leave, you’re writing to invigorate, and convince, and call to action. Writing in a stiff, formal way makes you seem less sure of your subject, or at the very least less sure of the person you are writing to, but everyone being an individual and everyone being unique, writing as if you’re writing to a friend is the best way to come across as friendly.

Be Appropriate

With the advice to write as if to a friend, there is a friendly warning. Don’t write crudely, and don’t overstep your boundaries. These are still strangers you’re writing too, and they may be sensitive to things that you aren’t sensitive to. Keep your tone appropriate and your writing should follow suit.

Keep it Short and Sweet

War and Peace is a great and historically significant book, but not many people read it in their lunch break. The internet is very much a realm of the temporary, and people will want to read persuasive pieces only if they are pocket sized, like the  phone they are no doubt reading them from. Keeping your writing to the point, well written, and friendly is a good way to present your convincing argument in an orderly and respectful fashion, which people tend to respect in a writer.

These suggestions can help you turn your eyelid-drooping formal essay into an engaging and interesting piece of writing that encourages people to do their own research and write their own thoughts down, which is the best a persuasive piece can ask for.

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