How to Make the Perfect Marriage Proposal

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There is nothing quite as exhilarating and perhaps a bit frightening as planning the perfect marriage proposal. Most men are terrified of ‘popping the question’ and so they procrastinate, quite often way too long before getting up the courage to ask that all important question. If you are looking for a way to make the perfect marriage proposal, one that any girl in her right mind would be silly to refuse, here are some suggestions that might make it easier on both you and the lady of your dreams.

Make the Perfect Marriage Proposal

Choose a Location that is Sentimental and Romantic

Can you remember where you had your first date? If the answer is not in the affirmative here, perhaps you are not ready yet to take this all-important step towards married life together. Bear in mind that most women are extremely sentimental so she will not only be able to tell you where you had your first date but will remember in fine detail the clothes you were wearing and the time your dinner reservations were set for. If you plan to ask that lovely lady to be your wife, why not ask her at the location where you had your first date? If not there, perhaps you should take her to someplace she has always dreamed of visiting.

Share the Moment with Family and Friends

You can always find some excuse to host a party and it is during one of these seemingly spontaneous events that you could comfortably ask her to marry you in front of those closest to you as a couple. Your lady will be thrilled to share this moment with her closest friends and confidantes and of course, it will give them something to chatter about for weeks on end. Here it is suggested that you also have a professional photographer on hand to snap photos to be placed in your wedding album as a part of the ‘documentary’ you are creating as you begin your lives together as one.

Don’t Forget the Rings!

You have no clue just how important it is to have the perfect engagement ring on hand when asking your lady to be your wife. It doesn’t need to be the most expensive ring on the planet but it should be one that is chosen specifically for her based on her tastes and what she’s shared as her ideal engagement ring that she’s always dreamed of. If you have trouble in this area, enlist the help of a close friend and confidante or a family member who knows her preferences, and ring size of course! Remember, no proposal is ever complete without having the perfectly cut and set diamond rings on hand, so never forget the rings!

One final word of advice would be to always make sure that your intended feels the same about you as you do about her. If you’ve never discussed the possibility of marriage before, it might be a wise move on your part to subtly bring up the subject from time to time. There is nothing wrong with getting her feelings on your relationship and where she feels it is heading before asking that terribly frightening but oh-so important question. You can plan the perfect proposal with a little well-thought out plans and perhaps a bit of help from family and friends. Even so, this can be the absolute best marriage proposal ever if you can get up the courage to make it happen!

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