How to Make a Successful Career in Essay Editing?

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Your decision to pursue a career in essay editing is a wise one. But, you need to do things differently to rise above your competitors. There will be competition from good and not so good editors. In fact, there are thousands of them operating online already. Have in mind that those who order custom essay online are looking for nothing but quality. Quality delivery encourages repeat patronage. Now, the question is, are you ready to make your essay editing career successful? If yes, follow these simple tips.

Essay Editing

1. Start Your Career in the Right Field

Don’t be “Jack of all trades, master of none.” To succeed as an editor, choose a specific niche. Be the go-to editor for social science students, science or other fields you know. Select an academic area that matches your qualification.

Try to measure and determine how successful you can become in that niche. Ask yourself these simple questions.

  • Do people in this area need this service?
  • How many are they out there?
  • Where do I find them?
  • How would they know I offer this service?
  • How would they contact me?

Now, the answer to the above questions will take us to the next phase. That is building a highly rated profile. It takes few hours but can make or break your entire editing career.

2. Write a Catchy Profile

You need to make people believe you are good at what you do. Remember you are not the only one offering this service.  Take out time to write a robust profile, one that clients will fall in love with at first sight, and contact you without hesitation. It is something you can do with ease. Conduct thorough research about the niche to gain insight, identify the problem and show that you have the solution.

Pay attention to the pain that prompts people to seek editing services, and how you are going to relieve them of their misery.

Here are few points that will give you insight.

  • Find students with too many academic-related tasks on their hands, and cannot edit their papers themselves.
  • Students always getting low marks
  • Writers whose eBooks are not doing well
  • Students applying to a university

Your profile should reflect the people are trying to help, and the specific problem you are trying to solve. So, write one that shows that you specialize in that academic area.

3. Create a Professional Website

If you are serious and want to succeed as an online editor, present yourself as a true professional. When visitors land on your webpage, they need to be convinced that you are the right person for the job. Having a professional looking website is essential. Though, you can start with the website or a free domain name since you have not started making enough money. But if you have the means, go for a professional looking site and your domain name.

Provide samples of completed projects on your website so that visitors can go through on your behalf. Even if you haven’t had a real contract, help your friends to edit their papers for free and upload online. Post the original and revised copy online to show the changes you made on the paper.


  • Use a domain name that is easy to remember.
  • Your domain name should indicate that you are an editor
  • Post samples of different projects online
  • Provide writing and editing tips to show you know the craft. The topic should be in the area you choose.
  • You can hire other editors to work with you.

4. Draft Your Prices and Terms

The next area to work on is your prices and terms. You need to set things straight from the beginning. It is necessary as you grow big, to avoid getting into a fight with your clients. State clearly, on your website how you want things done. Is it partial payments before work commences or payment after delivery. Back this up with a written agreement that can either be signed by clients or agreed to digitally.

Make price lower than what your competitors charge. For instance, if theirs is $5 per page, you can ask for $3, and set a flat rate for projects of 15 pages or more. Another important thing is to make your prices flexible. Be open to negotiations on homework service with a tight deadline. But before you fix a price on such projects, try to evaluate the project to know how long it will take you to complete it. Below are additional tips.


  • Request premium price from those who contact you for rush work.
  • List your rates and project they cover.
  • State payment method. Is it cash, cheque, Paypal or another?
  • Insist on signing agreements before work commences.
  • Get partial payment before you begin. You can request for at least 20 percent or more.

5. Search for Clients That Need Your Service

You do not have to wait for clients to contact you. Instead, go after them. Now that you have a professional website, samples and little testimonials about your services, you can easily convince clients to hire you for their projects.

You can create awareness by placing your ad on classified sites like Kijiji, Craigslist or others. You can also use social media to boost online reputation and make it easier for clients to find you. Create regular posts about your services on your social media pages.

6. Impress Your Clients

A happy client is likely going to repeat patronage. He may also tell others about you. So, put client satisfaction first in all your dealings.

There are several ways you can make your clients happy. Always meet deadlines. In fact, you can even submit work a day before the agreed deadline. Learn how to proofread if you can to develop your knowledge.


Becoming a successful editor lies in your hands. It is also made possible through proper planning and execution. You need to treat your editing business like one. Focus on providing quality services that will make clients see you as a true professional. However, the above tips will help you scale through and enjoy a successful editing career.

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