How to Estimate Traffic of a Blog or Website

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You might be a newbie blogger, Right! This is question of every professional and newbie bloggers and web proprietors that how to estimate traffic of a blog or a website to beat your opponent in maximum traffic hits competition. But no one knows and even shares their traffic data in figures until you are either friend with him or work for him. Then, how to estimate the traffic statistics of a blog or a site? Getting exact amount of traffic data of a blog and site is not possible, but figuring out estimated traffic data is possible by certain ways. Let’s see the ways to estimate how much traffic is receiving by a blogger.

Estimate Traffic Data

Without having access to administrative access the exact traffic estimation is not possible but due to public recodes on various sites shares the estimated traffic amount in terms of rank and points.

Google Ad Planner

Google Ad Planner is a free media tool where advertisers find out the estimated traffic of a blog or a website. The traffic figures are quite correct as it is provided in Google Ad Planner. The limited thing is that this fails to show data of very new and unpopular blogs and sites, but shows the traffic statistics when site place becomes popular and old in time.

To see the traffic statistics, you just need to sign in to Google Ad Planner and search for the domain in search box. You will get every common detail of that domain which you need to compete with him.

Alexa Rank is the backbone of advertisers and publishers to decide the perfect site place for digital advertising. Advertisers must check Alexa rank to identify how is a blog or site performing in terms of daily traffic as compared to other blogs and websites. It’s easy to estimate traffic of a blog by seeing Alexa rank. The much lower rank shows high traffic valued blog or site place. Today almost 95% of blogs and websites are claimed in for showing web rank and global position publicly.

BuySellAds Impressions

If your targeted competitor is using for ads then the possible traffic hits can be obtained by searching him for advertising where web owner publicly shares the average monthly impression and page views of their blog or site. In BuySellAds you can estimate a quite exact figure how much traffic is probable in a particular targeted blog or website.

To get the traffic statistics just find out the blog or site in the Marketplaces of publishers. Where, great Publisher (Blog or Site Owners) reveals their traffic statistics in terms of monthly ad impressions.

Compete Rank is also Web Company like Alexa where this also analyzes the statistics of a blog or site and set them for public view. Due to paid plans and subscriptions, the limited numbers of blogs and sites are registered to therefore new and unpopular site places’ data would not be available. However this can also help you out in finding estimated traffic data of a blog or site which is popular to us.

The above web tools are the ways to estimate the traffic data of any blog and website. By hiding the traffic data still webmasters could not hide their traffic data because the world is gazing him from scratch. I hope these tools will help you out in estimating others traffic information.

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4 responses to “How to Estimate Traffic of a Blog or Website”

  1. Technology News Avatar
    Technology News

    Hi brother Thanks for this information! ! I am getting 150+ page views daily. I am looking for a advertisers to my site .
    And if you don’t mind which theme your using for your blog ? which platform your using

    1. Atul Kumar Pandey Avatar

      Its all secret brother because it’s made by me. But thanks for giving your feedback.

  2. Manohar Avatar

    Hi atul kumar, nice blog. Will you please share exact requirements to get approved by If possible then share.

    1. Atul Kumar Pandey Avatar

      BuySellAds is a good ad network especially if you are looking to allow your own private network ads. It works better than adsense too as per my knowledge.