How to Choose the Perfect Generator for Your Home?

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Home is a place to relax, have a fun time with other members of your family and much more. There are some basic needs that humans do not want to compromise at all. One of such things is electricity. Imagine a situation where you are feeling very tired from your work and enters your house after the whole day, and no electricity is there. Oh!

No Electricity

This situation is very bad even to imagine, and in summers this environment is horrible. Earlier power cut used to have no alternative. You just have to wait sitting in the dark, sweating with absolutely nothing to do. Eating food in that situation becomes a punishment for all of us.

Power cut leads to wastage of time, stress, no sleep at night, interruptions in our plans, etc. In short, it creates nuisance in our lives; however, now this situation will be no more there.

Today’s generation has found an alternative to this problem. Yes, you guessed it right; it’s the invention of the generator. One of the superb inventions of human which can overcome the issue of power failure instantly proves to be a generator. But hold on, will you just go out to the market and pick up any generator for your home? No, not at all!

Picking up an ideal generator for your home is a matter of knowledge and a little bit of speculation. I know it may be a daunting process, but guess what here I have come up to help you all with the knowledge about some factors that should be paid attention before buying a generator for yourself. So, here is a run of such things that a generator should have.


Sound-Proof: Some generators create lots of sound while running. Noise is weighted in decibels. An ideal generator should have less than 80 decibels. If shopkeeper shows you a generator which creates a sound more than specified one, just make a distance from it immediately as you would not like to sit with a loudspeaker all the time.

Fuel Efficiency: Many generators intake a lot of fuel to run. It may prove to be very expensive for you. Do compare the fuel usage and the time generators need to run on it. Always prefer the generator that uses less fuel for running long hours.

Environment-Friendly:Many generators emit harmful gases while running. Always choose the generator that creates less pollution. Try to inspect in advance only whether any harmful gases are emitted from the generator or not. If yes, then ask the shopkeeper about the precautions which can be taken to avoid inhaling these gases which are very dangerous for your health.

Size: Choosing an ideal generator size for your home is very much important. By adding up the power usage of all the machines that you want to run on the generator you can get a rough idea as to what size of generator you should pick. Always choose more generator power than required. Your needed consumption should be up to 75% of the total capacity of the generator. Also, don’t go for very large size generator as well since it will prove costly while buying as well as its maintenance will also cost more than expected.

Portability: As you may need to move your generator to some other place while transferring, you should always pick up the generator which is easily portable. Portable generators are easy to set up and are less powerful.

A Number of Appliances:Count the number of appliances that you want to run on a generator and add up the power consumption of all the appliances. If the total power consumption comes up between 3000-5000W, then you should go for a medium size generator. If calculation lies between 5000-9000W, then large size generator should be preferred. But if the requirement comes to be 10000 W or more, you should go for X-Large sized generators.

Budget: Analyze your budget beforehand and try to put the generator in your budget frame. You should not just go for a low price as it may lead you to buy a cheap quality product.

Weight: Seeing weight of the generator is equally important as choosing the right size of the generator to run a whole house. Light weight units have more wattage and prove to be less expensive.

Standby generators: When the blackout occurs, standby generators automatically turn on, and you need not apply any effort. If you experience continuous failure of electricity, these generators will be perfect for you.

Storage: Always look up for the generator that has the high storage capacity to avoid refilling it now and then.

According to the need of your home, you should know how to choose the best generator for yourself.

Choose wisely, save the environment and enjoy power back-up!

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