Get Your Blog Indexed Faster By Search Engines

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Get index your whole blog in Google Search engine is easiest way when you know the steps better. If you have a nice and content full blog, then this is sure that your blog will definitely get indexed much faster by Google Search engine. This also can be done with other search engines also like Bing, Yahoo, Yandex and so more search engines. You need a proper website or blog for which Google can take some interest to crawl it.

Search Engine

Here we have given some step by step guidance, which will insure that you are on a proper path to get your whole blog indexed properly by every search engines.

1. Create a nice looking and error free blog

A blog is your house, it should be look effective and nice. Ensure that you have a good looking design for your blog which is created by fresh minded people while coding the theme. SEO (Search Engine Optimized) and responsive templates are good for every blogger so just keep in mind that your basics are only your theme.

2. Make navigation simple but yet effective one

Your blog navigation and pagination both must be properly designed because this is very much important for visitors as well as search engine robots. Simple and proper navigation allows search engines to crawl your blog in better way.

3. Write some good articles and post

Before submitting your blog to any search engine make some good and effective posts and publish them on your blog. Because there should be something in your blog to which search engine robot can crawl. Be unique and fresh one while writing any post, do not copy others because this action may degrade your blog’s reputation.

4. Create a sitemap and submit to Google Webmaster

If you are done with writing some good articles and post them to your blog then create a sitemap for your blog. Sitemap include everything about what your blog contains and how they are managed by you. Almost every search engine uses sitemap to index blogs and website. So you can also create this and submit sitemap to search engines.

5. Be active on social media and link building

If you are completed the above step then do not stop here right now. Be socialized so that social media affect your blog as positive one. This creates more readers without any advertisements, so be active on social media. Link building is also a good way to generate some traffic from content writing and commenting on others blog. This increases the numbers of link pointing to your website.

After doing all the practices you just have to keep patience with you because any blog can take minimum 24 hours to get index and in most cases it can take up to a week also.

These are some tips which will sure help your blog to get indexed faster.

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6 responses to “Get Your Blog Indexed Faster By Search Engines”

  1. Warren Avatar

    Very useful Thanks! May i know is it necessary to create a sitemap? Aren’t our post got indexed by google search engine automatically once we..

    1. Atul Kumar Avatar

      Dear warren,
      At initial stage yes you have to do it manually. After some times when your crawler bot starts getting more speed then you can leave your blog on Google’s bot to index it according to the updates.

  2. Srikanth Avatar

    Hi Warren,
    Getting Index By Google by following the above will definitely helps us in getting traffic thanks for sharing!!

    1. Atul Kumar Avatar

      Welcome Srikant, thanks for the time for replying here.

  3. Pavan Somu Avatar
    Pavan Somu

    This definitely works. In addition we can use WordPress SEO plugin to make the result more attractive in SERP.

    1. Atul Kumar Pandey Avatar

      Thanks for suggesting nice plugin, but unless these basic steps even plugin never help you more to get better SEO and SERP.