How to Find Developer in Ukraine?

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Such popular communities as TopTal or Upwork are filled with versatile computer engineers and miscellaneous specialists. However, it is usually difficult to choose one of a slump. Besides, finding a decent software engineer is like to excavate a buried treasure. It is especially difficult when the searcher’s business does not deal with software building. In that case, the most appropriate conclusion is to opt for a specialized team like ImproveIT solutions. Still, if the certain professional is needed, the quest begins.

Find Developer

Why Ukraine?

China, India, numerous states of America, Africa, Asia and Europe can boast of noteworthy software builders. At the same time, Ukraine is a real nursery-garden of IT specialists. PHP, Python, JavaScript, C++, and numerous other programming languages and frameworks are represented by specialists from this European country. Besides, Ukraine takes the lead in providing specialists in C++ and Unity3D and ranks second according to the number of JS, Magento, and Scala engineers.

Pricing is a no less important factor to make a final choice. It does not mean that Ukrainian computer engineers are associated with the cheapest rates in the world. In fact, they offer the best quality-price ratio. In some cases, a customer gets top quality for cheap. The mean hourly rate of the developer is around $20.

How and Where to Search?

Let’s imagine that the above-mentioned arguments convinced you to search for a professional in the Eastern Europe. As a rule, web resources are the first place to visit in your quest. Engineers from Ukraine stick with modern trends and promote their services via such famous websites as LinkedIn, Clutch, Freelancer, etc. The local job searching resources including and are also worth your attention. Still, do not limit yourself to the web space only. IT-specialists are human beings that used to communicate in the real world either. Moreover, there are certain places where one can encounter a huge gathering of specialized experts. These places include conferences and hackathons aka hack days.

Every month dozens of technical events take place in the largest Ukrainian cities. In general, each conference is dedicated to a certain technology like PyCon Ukraine or Kharkiv JS. At the same time, developers dealing with versatile frameworks including AngularJS, PHP,.NET or ReactJS have an opportunity to share experience and get new knowledge during the so-called Framework Days.

Hack days or hackathons is another event to gather IT-specialists. In most cases, this event lasts not more than 2 days and is held with a focus on a certain target like creating a new product. Such approach to the collaboration of computer engineers is widespread in the US and other advanced countries. Ukraine is not an exception and also takes part in this IT trend.

Almost any endeavor to find a decent developer in Ukraine will be successful. There is no deficiency of offerings in the labor market and the level of services is rather high.

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