How to Enable Awareness API in FeedBurner

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The traffic statistics are recorded for each FeedBurner feeds, but no publisher have direct access to them. Publishers who have enabled the FeedBurner Awareness API can access those statistics. FeedBurner statistics include all the details about user clicks, total views and circulation of your feed. Based on this statistics you can analyze which content is becoming popular and liked most. You can Enable Awareness API in FeedBurner just following simple steps below.

  1. Log into FeedBurner account.
  2. Click on the “Publicize” tab.
    This takes you to the page with all of the options for promoting your feed on your site.
  3. Look under the “Services” section on the tab for “FeedCount”.
    Click on it to be taken to the FeedCount settings page.
  4. Click on the “Activate” button on the “FeedCount” settings page to activate the service.
    Once FeedCount is active for the feed, Awareness API is enabled for the feed.

Note: Make sure that you have the Awareness API enabled in your all FeedBurner account if you have more than one FeedBurner accounts.

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2 responses to “How to Enable Awareness API in FeedBurner”

  1. Mohammad Hamza Avatar
    Mohammad Hamza

    According to my science, Awareness API is shut by Google in 2012 and their is no developer documents provided by FeedBurner.

    1. Atul Kumar Pandey Avatar

      You are right mate that their is no developer document provided by FeedBurner but still the service is not shutdown as it is used in various API enabled systems like BuySellAds Feedburner Stats. By the way thanks for your comment, keep visiting for more updates.