Easy Tips to Write an e-Book Quickly

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Whether you make an entire career of working online such as by having an e-Commerce site or a blog, or you simply do online work as a means to earn extra money in addition to your full-time career, there’s no doubt that writing and publishing e-Books can be an excellent way to boost your income.

eBooks and the advent of mobile devices and tablets have meant great opportunities for ordinary people to publish content at a fraction of the cost of a traditional book.

Writers can create e-Books to sell for a profit in and of themselves, or they might use them as a giveaway as they set up and market a blog to gain more subscribers, or as part of a larger marketing campaign.

Regardless of your reasons for writing an e-Book, the following are some tips that can help you do it quickly, without sacrificing quality.

Choose a Topic You Already Know About

Undoubtedly, e-Books are an excellent way to establish yourself as an authority in your niche or among your readers.

With that in mind, you should choose topics to write about that you’re already pretty familiar with. Yes, you’ll probably still need to do some research, but if you choose something that you have no idea about either you’re going to have to take a lot of time doing extensive, in-depth research, or you’re going to come across as not being knowledgeable.

If you have created a blog, a good starting place to write an e-Book is to choose a blog post or several blog posts you’ve already written about, and expand from there for your e-Book.

Pick a Topic You Like

Pretty much as essential to successful e-Book writing and being able to do so relatively quickly is to choose a topic that you not only know about but that you’re interested in.

Too often people will browse popular topics on Amazon and decide to follow those rather than following their interests.

The problem is that it becomes extremely tiresome to write an entire e-Book on a subject you’re not interested in or passionate about.

Plan for Marketing

One of the key components of a successful e-Book is successful marketing. How you market your content is as important as the quality of the writing you’re offering your readers.

When you begin the initial planning phase for your e-Book, go ahead and decide how you’ll market it and the platform you’ll use.

You’ll be surprised at how much this will actually guide your content and writing style.

Create an Outline

If you’re new to writing eBooks, it can be extremely tempting to sit down and just start writing what comes to mind, but you’re likely to find that’s not the best strategy.

It’s better to keep yourself on track, and also avoid writer’s block or veering off topic if you create an outline before you start writing.

With your outline, define what your chapters will be about and their titles, as well as key points you’ll make in each chapter.

This may require a little extra time during the planning phase, but it will help you speed up the overall writing time, ultimately.

You may have always dreamed of having your book published, and that’s something that’s an attainable reality for a relatively low cost. If you want to not only be published but also earn money from your e-Book you need to develop a writing strategy that will help you work quickly but effectively, using tips like the ones above.

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