Benefits of Brand Mascots in Business

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Brand Mascot, the word itself tells everything, where brand is goodwill of the product and mascot is costume for product promotion. There are several benefits and advantages of adopting brand mascots in the business where a product can be promoted in limited scope of expenditure. Business generally opt for a brand ambassador for promoting their product and they also pays a lot of amount on them. A very smart organization never go for brand ambassador, they opt for a brand mascots which is evergreen promoter of business for ultimate business life cycle trend.

Brand Mascots

If you go for counting the benefits of brand mascot then sure there is a big list of features. Such benefits and advantages are as follows.

Less Scope of Expenditure

For the brand mascots, there is only one time expenditure is involved which comes at the creation of itself. It is very much less costly than other product promotion tools. You can go with video and cartoon animations with help of your brand mascot to advertise the business.

Increases Exposure of Business

Brand mascot creates a better exposure than any other promotional methods. It also creates an excitement within the people to see it. It is the appeal of the human psyche. Brand mascots attacks potential of customers to get know more about the business.

Greater Scope of Creativity

In the brand mascots you can add and manipulate your own creativity which extends the enjoying movement of people. Here is more chances to change the ideas in no time. Today every things related to animations and graphics are done easily on computers with less expenses.

Plays Better Than Brand Promotion

Like hiring a brand ambassador can takes a lot of time, money, location and sets, actors and actress. Such option becomes a big headache on business level. A brand mascot needs only graphics and imaginative mind sets and some of the tools.

Long Term Support for Business

Brand mascot is supportive for business at long term basis. Its not a one time option for your business. Brand mascot only needs only change of role. Here are some of the great examples of best brand mascots through out the best business industries.

  • Google’s Android Bot is one of the best brand mascot where they have only one robot which fulfills the requirement of people to act in ads.
  • MacDonald have a great brand mascot which makes children to enjoy more.
  • Kellogg’s Chocos have its cartoon monkey which inspires children a lot like other cartoons.

All these are the benefits of brand mascots in business.

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4 responses to “Benefits of Brand Mascots in Business”


    really thanks for the info, i am looking for such an option for my new business.Hope mascot will work better . 🙂

    1. Atul Kumar Avatar

      Thanks for your telling your words. Brand mascot really does a great job for beginners.

  2. Alphagraphics Savannah Avatar
    Alphagraphics Savannah

    Mascots are also good for association. Things like the car fax fox and the Gaiko Gecko are easy to remember and to associate with your business.

    1. Atul Kumar Pandey Avatar

      Right, Brand Mascots makes a business grow more and it is an identity of the same. MacDonald’s Mascot is world’s most popular Mascot for children.