5 Ways to Save Money on Your Mobile Phone Bills

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Mobile phones cost a lot, with the average annual bill totalling more than thousand bucks. However, these devices have now become a necessity, so like most things, many people are looking for ways to cut down the amount they spend on their phone bill.

Save Money on Mobile Phone Bills

Make sure you are on the right tariff

One of the easiest ways that mobile phone networks can make money from you is to sign you up to a tariff which you don’t actually need. Selling you into the idea that you may need hundreds of minutes, unlimited amounts of text messages and no-end of mobile internet data sounds great at the time, but do you really need everything you are paying for? It’s more than likely you don’t and you’re just be throwing money down the drain. The solution? Really think about exactly how much you need on your tariff – you can always upgrade further down the line if you need to.

Get your phone through a cash back deal

Use an internet cash back service such as Quidco or Top cash back to claim back some of the money you will spend on your bills. Find the deals on smart phones with some of the best-known networks and you could expect to receive £100-£150 cash back for certain contracts. Always check out one of these sites before signing up for a new phone to ensure you aren’t missing out.

Compare deals with different networks

Some people are very brand loyal when it comes to their mobile phone network. However, as with insurance companies, this very rarely pays. Don’t stick with the same network just because you feel like you have to. If there is a certain phone you want, you should compare mobile phone deals with all of the networks to ensure you get the best value tariff for your needs.

Recycle your old phone and get extra cash

Certain Smartphone can be sold via technology recycling websites for surprisingly large sums of money. If you have one of the later iPhone models then you can get anything between £100-£200 using one of these services, which automatically pays you back on some of the bills you have had in your previous contract. Even other phone models can get you some cash for nothing – a far better option than leaving your old handset gathering dust in the drawer!

Don’t directly call premium numbers

Avoid calling 0800, 044, 0845 type numbers. Instead, search online for services that actually find the local number for these so you aren’t paying the premium rate, and instead are using your own tariff minutes for these types of phone calls. For 0800 numbers download the 0800 wizard app, which automatically converts the number into a local one as you dial to save you from a hefty bill at the end of the month.

About the author : Freddie Lyons is a savvy saver who is interested in finding great deals for everyday items. He suggests that people compare mobile phone deals with different networks in order to find the best rates.

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2 responses to “5 Ways to Save Money on Your Mobile Phone Bills”

  1. JM @ The Mobility Marketplace Avatar
    JM @ The Mobility Marketplace

    Recycling your old mobile phones and trading them in is a smart way to have extra cash. Instead of just keeping your old phones in your drawers, take time to research on which companies offer the best deal. Cheers!

    1. Atul Kumar Pandey Avatar

      Your are right man…
      The above following is all about such activity only. Old mobiles can be utilized. We need to do it.
      Thanks for your precious comment.