5 Reasons it Pays to Build Relationships with Your College Professors

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While in college, it is easy to float through classes without connecting with your professors outside of the classroom environment. In some cases the classes you are in may be very large, and so it is easy for you to blend in among the masses. Instead of going unnoticed, make sure to develop a rapport with your professors whenever possible. Here are 5 reasons it pays to build relationships with your college professors.

College Professor
Build Relationships with Your College Professors

Receive Personal Attention and Help with Your Studies

Going to your professor for extra help is a great way to stay on top of your work. If you are lost or behind, he or she will be able to catch you up or fill in gaps for you. Take advantage of professors’ office hour times instead of struggling on your own in silence. Professors will be impressed to see that you take extra initiative and your own personal time to make sure you can succeed academically and do the best work you are capable of.

Feel More Connected on Campus Instead of Lost and Aloof

Developing a rapport with your professors will ensure that you have someone to turn to during college since the experience can be frustrating and unfamiliar at times. Having a reliable adult on campus whom you know and trust can be comforting and can provide you with the support you need when college life, school or academics become overwhelming. Professors can help refer you to appropriate guidance or help, allow you to understand the university and certain policies and more. Take advantage of their knowledge and experience not only in the subject you are studying, but also in the politics of your school as well.

Knowing Your Professors Can Help You out Later on

If you are unable to get into a specific class or section that a professor is leading later on, knowing the professor and having that connection may give you a much better shot at being able to enroll in the course after it is filled. If a professor knows you and your work ethic, they will be more likely to admit you or let you pick up a dropped space than someone they don’t know because they can rely on your attendance, passion, dedication and interest.

Professors Can Write You Fantastic Recommendations for Your Studies After Graduation

If you are considering continuing your studies by applying to graduate school, the professors you know and have a relationship with will be able to genuinely write you a recommendation letter with specific examples of your personality and qualifications.

Finally, Professors Can Help You Find Jobs in the Career Track You Are Pursuing

Professors are often very plugged in within their particular niche. These connections will benefit you tremendously when you are working for work after graduation or even while you are looking for an internship in college.

Clearly, there are numerous benefits to developing a professional relationship with your college professors during your undergrad years as well as in your graduate programs. This relationship will help you to succeed while in college, feel connected to your campus and even find an internship. After college, this relationship will help you to get into great grad school programs or find a job in your industry!

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4 responses to “5 Reasons it Pays to Build Relationships with Your College Professors”

  1. khuranariya02 Avatar

    Hello Sunil
    I was always favorite of my College professors just because of my behavior.
    Nice Write up

    1. Atul Kumar Avatar

      Hello Riya Khurana,

      That is nice that your are favorite student of your college professor because of your behavior. Treating good with professors is also one of the way by which you can build relationship. Thanks for visiting, reading and leaving your feedback.

  2. vibhuti66 Avatar

    Great article… It is very important to build relations with professor. It always help in internals :p

    1. Atul Kumar Pandey Avatar

      Hello Vibhuti,

      As per my opinion you got the point very well. Really it helps in our internal’s marks. Thanks for your comments.